Minister Schippers die eerst de mensen die van de PGB afhankelijk zijn schoffeert en de Kamer onjuiste informatie (berekeningen) geeft en later de huisartsen tegen zich in het harnas jaagt. Minister Verhagen waar ik al eerder over schreef, Minister Donner die een gerechtelijke uitspraak probeert te omzeilen door een wetswijziging die er er even door wil jagen en waarvan de implementatie al plaatsvindt voordat het wetsvoorstel is aangenomen door 2e en 1e Kamer. Juist de verplichte ID kaart. Verplicht omdat er in Nederland een legitimatieplicht geldt.Dus wanneer je geen paspoort of Europese ID kaart hebt ben je verplicht zo'n ID kaart aan te schaffen.In mijn ogen had die rechter gelijk. Wanneer je als overheid iets wilt zul je er voor moeten betalen. Gelukkig is de 1e Kamer wat minder meegaand met deze Minister.
Dan wordt het budget voor natuurbescherming/natuurbeheer ook nog eens met 70% gekort. Er wordt nog veel meer gekort, maar deze is wel heel wrang. In totaal wordt de economie gewoon kapot bezuinigd. Daar waar de Amerikaanse Rekenkamer heeft berekend dat het plan van Obama banen oplevert, de staatsschuld naar beneden brengt en de economie een boost geeft wil dit kabinet vasthouden aan de eigen plannen en legt de tegenbegrotingen van PvdA en D'66 naast zich neer terwijl die veel meer banen opleveren, de economie een boost geven en de staatsschuld ook verminderen, zij het over een iets langere periode.
Ik heb het al vaker gezegd, kinderbijslag inkomensafhankelijk maken en boven een bepaald inkomen geen kinderbijslag meer, de hypotheekrente aftrek tot een maximaal bedrag van laten we zeggen 350.000 euro en boven de een hypotheeksom van 350.000 euro geen aftrek meer. Heb je een hogere hypotheeksom dan mag je tot die 350.000 euro de rente aftrekken.
Ook de subsidie op zonnepanelen en groene auto's moet natuurlijk blijven bestaan. Dat levert werkgelegenheid op en dus minder kosten voor de overheid waardoor die investering zichzelf terugverdient.
En voor iedereen denkt dat crisis komt doordat we als Nederland aan de Euro meedoen, het is bankencrisis en geen Euro crisis. Het is vooral een leiderschapscrisis. Zoals dit kabinet één grote leiderschapscrisis is. De autoriteit van de Minister-President is wel degelijk aangetast door het "Doe toch eens normaal, man" van Geert Wilders. Vreemd dat Rutte daarvan zegt dat het niet zo is.
En over de PVV zal ik het maar helemaal niet hebben, als blijkt de partij nu een 2-issue partij te zijn: anti-islam en anti-Europa. Denken ze bij die partij nou echt dat als de Euro er niet geweest was dat Griekenland niet geholpen zou zijn? Keep on dreaming....
Uit de Euro stappen is volledig voorbij gaan aan onze export positie en onze grootste handelspartner, Duitsland.Want reken maar dat die export, en dus de economie, een knauw krijgt wanneer we uit de EMU stappen.
Maar het tekent de PVV, wel problemen benoemen maar niet nadenken over de oplossingen waar je mee komt, als die partij al met oplossingen komt.
Wat mij betreft gaan we begin januari weer naar de stembus.
maandag 10 oktober 2011
zondag 9 oktober 2011
Preliminary skirmishes
If you're thinking that the General Political Considerations in the Netherlands with "act normal, man" from Wilders to prime-minster Rutte was shocking, the Americans, and especially the Republicans have way of themselves in this. Not in Congress or Senate, but Republicans who want to be nominated to compete against Barack Obama next year in November.
To name a few things to Michele Bachman, who has several times publicly blundered, and also has angered scientist by declaring that the mandatory HPV vaccine in Texas was dangerous for the girls who received vaccine. Also, she received much criticism by declaring that women should always be submissive to their husbands.
Another is Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, and under his governorship are a record number of executions were carried out with an absolute low last week a very likely innocent man was executed.
The primaries for the Republicans are dominated by the so-called Tea Party, an extreme right wing and very conservative branch of the Republican Party.
Also there debates between the Republican wannebees on Fox News, pretty much the home station of the American Right and obviously biased.
And about those debates I want to say something. Not so much about the debate between Romney, Bachman, Perry, Huntsman, Santorum and others, but the audience. Because what happened struck me as something scandalous.
And even if it seems far from our bed, there is a parallel with the Netherlands, Wilders especially, because where does freedom of speech and defamation and discrimination start?
What happened?
On the question of narrator what should happen to an uninsured patient with a severe injurie in an Emergency Hospital the audience began to shout: "Let him die!, Let him die!". And if that was not enough during the next debate, a new low.
For that I give a little background information. Just before the debate, Obama had put an end to the "do not ask, do not tell" in the U.S. Army. This principle meant that managers were not allowed to ask if someone was homosexual, and that recruits were not allowed to tell them they are homosexual.
To illustrate it a homosexual soldier was put on the stage by Fox News and when this soldier was presented by the narrator, and do not forget that the military, as Americans say "serve to protect the country and its people," began the audience to “boo”
Because this soldier was homosexual.
I find it absolutely outrageous that an audience wish a wounded uninsured fellow American dead and “boo” a soldier who risks his life for them.
But it says everything about the American Right, the Republican Party, TeaParty and Fox News.
Wants to know more about the primaries? Google GOP2012, GOP Debate or Tea Party.
To name a few things to Michele Bachman, who has several times publicly blundered, and also has angered scientist by declaring that the mandatory HPV vaccine in Texas was dangerous for the girls who received vaccine. Also, she received much criticism by declaring that women should always be submissive to their husbands.
Another is Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, and under his governorship are a record number of executions were carried out with an absolute low last week a very likely innocent man was executed.
The primaries for the Republicans are dominated by the so-called Tea Party, an extreme right wing and very conservative branch of the Republican Party.
Also there debates between the Republican wannebees on Fox News, pretty much the home station of the American Right and obviously biased.
And about those debates I want to say something. Not so much about the debate between Romney, Bachman, Perry, Huntsman, Santorum and others, but the audience. Because what happened struck me as something scandalous.
And even if it seems far from our bed, there is a parallel with the Netherlands, Wilders especially, because where does freedom of speech and defamation and discrimination start?
What happened?
On the question of narrator what should happen to an uninsured patient with a severe injurie in an Emergency Hospital the audience began to shout: "Let him die!, Let him die!". And if that was not enough during the next debate, a new low.
For that I give a little background information. Just before the debate, Obama had put an end to the "do not ask, do not tell" in the U.S. Army. This principle meant that managers were not allowed to ask if someone was homosexual, and that recruits were not allowed to tell them they are homosexual.
To illustrate it a homosexual soldier was put on the stage by Fox News and when this soldier was presented by the narrator, and do not forget that the military, as Americans say "serve to protect the country and its people," began the audience to “boo”
Because this soldier was homosexual.
I find it absolutely outrageous that an audience wish a wounded uninsured fellow American dead and “boo” a soldier who risks his life for them.
But it says everything about the American Right, the Republican Party, TeaParty and Fox News.
Wants to know more about the primaries? Google GOP2012, GOP Debate or Tea Party.
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