zaterdag 4 mei 2013

Toy Rifle

Sometimes you really wonder if, somewhere in some country, they've gone completely mad. More than once you have that feeling about the United States, and so is it this time. What is the case?

In rural Kentucky a 5-year old boy shot and killed his 2-year old sister. When you read that, you think, due to the availibility of guns in the US, oh, one of the parents didn't put their gun in the gun locker. Because sometimes that happens too, tragically.

But no, this happened with a so called "toy rifle", the boy had received as a gift.This is something new from the weapons manufacturers and sellers to target young children to make sure they have potential customers and gun right advocates when they grow up.
And it goes further than that. I saw a picture of a - year old girl with a toy rifle in matching colour to her coat.

And don't get fooled by the words "tpy rifle". There is absolutely nothing "toy"about the rifle. It fires real and deadly .22 bullets. And in this case the rifle was in a corner of the living room, loaded with a .22 bullet.

The County Coroner said it would be treated as an accident, but I really do see possiblities to prosecute the parents and/or the rifle's manufacturer for negligent homicide.

Because, why on earth would you give your toddler a "toy rifle" that fires real and deadly .22 bullets? To me, that is playing with fire.

And for the weapons industry: go be very, very ashamed of yourselfs! And the same goes for the US Congress!

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