vrijdag 25 november 2011

Gnaw at the democracy

Gnaw at the democracy
I'm angry. And people whoI know me know that I rarely get angry. But it was some week. With no fewer than four attempts of  VVD (right wing liberals) and PVV(extreme right) to gnaw at the democracy and the constitution.

It all started with Dion Graus (PVV) who, as a result of the media coverage
​​of its activities in, but mostly his resignation from, the Commission de Wit (Parlementary Inquiry about the banking crisis)suggested that there actually should be  a Press Police. A few hours later, Hero Brinkman (also PVV) is hastened to explain that it had been a joke and that it had been fun to see how the leftist media responded.
Dear Mr. Brinkman and Mr. Graus, in a parliamentary democracy, do not joke about the Constitutional established freedom of the press. Ask the people of Libya, Egypt and Syria ....

We had hardly recovered from that or the VVD went into action: Occupy protesters should lose their unemployment benefits or social security. Oh, there is already a pattern emerging: there is press freedom, as long as you do not write negative things about us and freedom of demonstration and assembly as long as it is not adressed against bankers at (VVD voters in general). Dear VVD, nowhere in the Constitution it states that you can only demonstrate if you have a job. Perhaps an idea for the VVD: before you say something, read the Constitution first.

But that was not all. This time in close association VVD and PVV called that Greenpeace could no longer have their headquarters in Amsterdam. That would be bad for the image of the Netherlands. And subsidies and contributions from the Postcode Lottery could not go to Greenpeace anymore.
 As a supporter of Greenpeace, I am pretty well aware of the actions of Greenpeace and I can not remember ever Greenpeace risking the lives of other people or that Greenpeace had damaged other man’s property. Greenpeace is a non-violent organisation. But here again a lot of self-interest. Greenpeace is against nuclear waste transports, rightly, the stuff is dangerous, and PVV and VVD for nuclear power. The real reason for the observation of VVD and PVV will probably lie in the fact that Greenpeace is very critical of government policy, primarily environmental.

And bad for the image? Dear VVD, say that to your political leader, the Prime Minister. The Deputy Prime Minister of Great Britain, Nick Clegg thought that PM Rutte was the butler on arrival in The Hague.

The fourth incident has to do with public broadcasting. It will now be, after the pattern becoming visible, no surprise that PVV and VVD want to cut the funding of VARA (left) and give more money to PowNed (right).

Our Constitution makes no distinction between political movements. Press Freedom is for everyone, not just for the Telegraaf (national newspaper with a very visible preference for the VVD), demonstration and assembly freedom applies to everyone, including people on benefits, as well as the demonstration (partly) directed against the electorates of these parties.

And if you disagree with a non-gouvermentale organization, just say so, but with arguments and not the nonsense that they are bad for the image of the Netherlands. Because then I know there are a few. I find Mr. Wilders very bad for the image of the Netherlands!

Maybe I'm paranoid, but I see things that are everyday practice in dictatorships. Press on a leash, demonstrating only if you agree with us, and pressure groups, we do not see or throw in jail. And radio and TV we control.

I really hope I never have to experience this. Because I would be very angry then.

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